dimanche 29 novembre 2009

Weekend de Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Diner: Rob and Otute
Chris, Arline and Rob
Saturday: Muni, F line
Apres l'expo du SFMOMA, les fontaines
After the exhibition at the SFMOMA, the fountains

Dejeuner au salon de the Samovar
Lunch at Samovar Tea lounge
Dimanche: Dejeuner a Half Moon Bay
Sunday: Lunch at Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay, Francis Beach

On ramasse des coquillages
Picking up some seashells

mardi 17 novembre 2009

Mariage de Jon et Charina

Enfin... pour etre precise, je devrais dire: Benjamin au mariage de Jon et Charina
Well... to be precise, I should say: Benjamin at Jon and Charina's wedding

Une petite sieste avant de faire la fete
A little nap before the party
La ceremonie / The ceremony
Pole dancing

Echarpe et Bonnet

Echarpe tricotee par son arriere grand mere et bonnet tricote par Mamy
Scarf made by Great Grandmother and hat made by Grandmother

dimanche 8 novembre 2009

Samedi au parc

Apres la visite de l'exposition Tuttankhamon au De Young, nous nous promenons dans le Golden Gate Park
After the Tutthankhamun exhibit, we strolled in the Golden Gate Park

dimanche 1 novembre 2009


The Little Rascals

Benjamin ne veut pas partager sa maman avec Mark
Benjamin doesn't want to share his Mum with Mark

La Giraffe & Daddy

Avant et Apres le baiser du price charmant
Before and After the Prince's kiss

Mamy à Boston

Samuel Adams in front of Faneuil Hall Tapestry in the hotel One of the many cemeteries. Monu...