dimanche 16 septembre 2018

Garage Sale (finally!)

 Getting the signs ready

 Benjamin is finally getting his lemonade stand

 Benjamin selling his lemonade to thirsty customers

 Halfway through the morning - A lot of it is already gone!

 Taking care of a young (and adorable) customer

What is left at the end...

Gateau d'anniversaire du labo

mercredi 5 septembre 2018

souvenirs, souvenirs

En vidant les photos de la GoPro de Benjamin, nous sommes tombes sur des photos de la tribu en Bretagne l'annee derniere - Ete 2017

samedi 1 septembre 2018

Front row passenger

Yesterday night, Benjamin was finally 80.0 lbs, the minimum weight to ride in the front seat.

Canine extraction

Benjamin had two baby teeth extracted. I guess I should not have looked...
Luckily Charlie was there to take a picture... and to drive us all home!

Mamy à Boston

Samuel Adams in front of Faneuil Hall Tapestry in the hotel One of the many cemeteries. Monu...