dimanche 31 octobre 2010
mercredi 27 octobre 2010
lundi 25 octobre 2010
dimanche 24 octobre 2010
Getting ready for Halloween
Ce week end, il a plu tout le temps, donc nous avons fait des activites d'interieur en preparation d'Halloween.
The weather was awful this weekend so we stayed indoors and prepared for Halloween
mercredi 20 octobre 2010
lundi 11 octobre 2010
Porte ouverte chez les pompiers
Samedi dernier, apres-midi porte ouverte chez les pompiers de Cole Valley. Le camion, la grande echelle, Benjamin etait tres impressionne et serait bien reste toute la journee.
Last Saturday, Open House at the Cole Valley firefighter's station. Red truck, big ladder, Benjamin was very impressed and could have stayed in the truck the whole day.
Last Saturday, Open House at the Cole Valley firefighter's station. Red truck, big ladder, Benjamin was very impressed and could have stayed in the truck the whole day.
mercredi 6 octobre 2010
La voiture/volant de Papy
Benjamin montre comment se servir de la "voiture" qu'il vient de recevoir de son Papy
Benjamin is showing how to use the "car" he just received from his Papy
Tres vite, il devient expert dans le maniement de ce drole d'engin
Very quickly, he became an expert at driving that weird machine
Very quickly, he became an expert at driving that weird machine
Benjamin disseque son pain au chocolat
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Mamy à Boston
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