mardi 26 juin 2012
mardi 19 juin 2012
Oh so decadent
Cone recouvert de chocolat a l'interieur, fourre a la glace au chocolat avec une coque de chocolat par dessus et des petits sucres vermicelles. Un peu long a preparer mais le plaisir de Benjamin en valait bien la peine.
Chocolate covered sugar cone, chocolate ice cream, chocolate shell and springles. A lot of work but Benjamin's silent appreciation made it all worth it.
jeudi 14 juin 2012
Dimanche apres midi dans le parc
Lilly se fait attaquer
Vision en blanc
Lilly et Helene
Enki et Greg
Audrey et Enki
Raphael, Adelia, Benjamin, Audrey et Helene
Greg et Charlie
John, Lilly et Eric
Audrey et Caroline
mercredi 6 juin 2012
L'heure du bain, style Benjamin / Bath time, Benjamin style
Je viens de rerouver cette video dans les brouillons du blog.
I just found this video in the blog drafts
Les temps des cerises
Apparemment une tradition francaise puisque Charlie ne connaissait pas. Benjamin trouve ca tres amusant.
What seems to be a typically french tradition since Charlie had never seen that. Benjamin just thinks it is really fun.
L'anniversaire de Popi: 6 juin
Hier, Benjamin a decide qu'aujourd'hui 6 juin, c'etait l'anniversaire de Popi, alors on a joue le jeu...
Yesterday, Benjamin decided that today June 6th it is Popi's we went along with the idea...
Benjamin s'est habille pour l'occasion...
Benjamin got dressed up to honor our guest...
Il a eu une banane pour le dessert...
he had a banana for dessert...
un yaourt...a la banane bien sur...
a banana yogurt of course...
Charlie a trouve un cadeau pour Popi...
Charlie found a present for Popi...
et il a cuisine un gateau a la banane et au chocolat pour finir en beaute!
and he baked a banana-chocolate cake to top it off!
Caneles Recipe
These crispy, custardy pastries, which originated in Bordeaux, are based on our favorite canelé recipe from To bake them, use a silicone mold or the traditional individual copper canelé molds. I never tried the copper molds but the silicone mold works great.
Makes 20
- 2 cups whole milk
- 2 tablespoons (1/4 stick) unsalted butter, diced, plus more, melted, for brushing
- 1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon sea salt
- 3 large eggs, beaten to blend
- 1/3 cup dark rum
Special Equipment:
A 15-cavity silicone mold or 15 individual copper canelé molds
Combine milk and 2 Tbsp. butter in a medium saucepan. Scrape in seeds from vanilla bean; add bean. Bring to a boil; remove from heat. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Discard vanilla bean.
Whisk sugar, flour, and salt in a large bowl; set aside.
Gradually whisk in eggs to the milk to combine. Gently and gradually incorporate the milk-egg mix into the flour mixture until blended. Whisk in rum. If some clumps remain, strain batter through a fine-mesh sieve into another medium bowl, pressing on any clumps of flour to push through.
Let batter cool completely, uncovered. Cover and chill for at least 24 hours and up to 48 hours (the flavor after 48 hours is best).
Arrange a rack in middle of oven and preheat to 450°. Lightly brush canelé molds with melted butter. Gently stir batter with a spatula (batter will separate). Fill prepared molds 2/3 of the way with batter, reserving half of batter for second batch.
Bake canelés for 20 minutes at 450°. Lower oven temperature to 400° and bake, tenting molds with foil if canelés are browning too fast, until deep mahogany brown, 45–50 minutes longer.
Remove canelés from oven and unmold onto a wire rack; let cool. Let molds cool, brush with more melted butter, and repeat with remaining batter. DO AHEAD: Can be made 6 hours ahead. Let stand uncovered at room temperature.
Note: The caneles are also delicious if baked the same day. Our oven is on the weak side so we baked the caneles for 20 minutes at 470° and 40-45 minutes at 405° with a foil on the mold for the last 20 minutes.
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