mardi 28 janvier 2014
News from Kindergarten: 100th day of school
Note from the teacher:
Dear Parents: Happy 100th Day! We counted to 100 in many ways today. Ask your child to count by 5's with you when they show you the crown. (We will continue working on that skill this semester.) The children had a scavenger hunt for numbers on the 100 chart. Your child can use the completed 100's chart to complete/check the scavenger hunt page. (One or two lines a night is plenty.) We did not get to the dice rolling page so I hope you enjoy that activity some winter evening. k.
vendredi 24 janvier 2014
News from Kindergarten
Dear Parents: The children were dressed for the weather yesterday. Unfortunately, it was too cold
to take the time needed to pose outside. Ask your child to tell you
about the stories we read and then saw performed. We are learning
about China. After reading Cleversticks we enjoyed our snack
using chopsticks. The children expressed interest in using them at home
so look for a pair in the backpack.
dimanche 19 janvier 2014
Lego Club: The Olympic Games
Benjamin and Andrew explain their Olympic Games Lego project: A race track.
The projects will be displayed at the library for a whole month with the kids names.
mardi 14 janvier 2014
Reading the Winter Break Book at School
Message from the teacher:
Dear Parents:
Thank you for assisting your child with the Winter Break books. The children read them to the class and everyone had a chance to take a close look at the books today while small groups read to, Emma, the support dog.
samedi 11 janvier 2014
433 Edgewood Dr
Our local free newspaper has a column where readers submit a picture of their home and ask for advice about improving the curb appeal. I submitted a picture of our house a few weeks ago, and here is the answer.
Notre journal local gratuit a une rubrique ou les lecteurs peuvent envoyer une photo de leur maison et demandent des conseils pour ameliorer son aspect. J'ai envoye une photo de notre maison il y a quelques semaines et voila la reponse

Dear Homework,
We bought our first home a little less than a year ago. The facade is reduced to a bare minimum, and while this gives us a lot of room for upgrades, we fell it would benefit from more details that add character and depth.
Signed: Bare minimum
Dear Bare Minimum,
In a way, it is helpful to see a house reduced to its bare essence. In this case, it shows what some structures look like with no "jewelry". What we see here is a well-detailed brick box with, frankly, tiny openings, no color and few details that cast interesting shadows and add charming details.
Frequent readers of this column have, no doubt, already identified the obvious need for shutters. A close examination of your existing photo even shows the presence of the previous shutter "tie-backs" still on the wall. In this situation, the shutters double the size of the windows, add a jolt of color and cast some welcome shadows, which single-handedly move the house from naked to fully dressed.
The next transformation initiative would be landscapre upgrades. Here I show a new, low stone wall that acts as a planter and projects forward at the entry to emphasize this area's importance. Tall, columnar evergreens on either sides of the fron door will increase its apparent scale, almost the way a front porch would. Further foundation plantings are kept very low so as not to block the new, wrought iron Juliette balconies. Taller foundation plants would have the effect of making the facade fell shorter.
Finally, small details such as a larger lantern above the front door and the new French doors with decorative iron balconies are better sclaed to the facade, meaning that they do a better job of getting noticed.
In this situation, we could have added an elegant portico, widened the windows, painted the bricks, etc., but that would have taken the response beyond the bare minimum required to make this an attractive, elegant home.
Thanks for asking,
mardi 7 janvier 2014
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