dimanche 23 septembre 2018
lundi 17 septembre 2018
dimanche 16 septembre 2018
Garage Sale (finally!)
Getting the signs ready
Benjamin is finally getting his lemonade stand
Benjamin selling his lemonade to thirsty customers
Halfway through the morning - A lot of it is already gone!
Taking care of a young (and adorable) customer
What is left at the end...
mercredi 5 septembre 2018
souvenirs, souvenirs
En vidant les photos de la GoPro de Benjamin, nous sommes tombes sur des photos de la tribu en Bretagne l'annee derniere - Ete 2017
samedi 1 septembre 2018
Front row passenger
Yesterday night, Benjamin was finally 80.0 lbs, the minimum weight to ride in the front seat.
Canine extraction
Benjamin had two baby teeth extracted. I guess I should not have looked...
Luckily Charlie was there to take a picture... and to drive us all home!
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Mamy à Boston
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