mercredi 31 octobre 2018

Halloween 2018

Parade at school. Very much in character!

Ready for trick or treating! The mime Benjamin!

Oh! And don’t forget to vote next week!

Our scary house this year!

With John (FBI agent)

The famous wheel of candy

dimanche 28 octobre 2018

Automne, Halloween et Dia de los muertos

Pumpkin Pie milkshake

Origami workshop: Benjamin ended up teaching his meighbors.

Atelier origami: Benjamin se retrouve a faire la classe!

Mime costume, ready for Halloween

Déguisement de mime, prêt pour Halloween

Trying to watch the movie “Coco” while getting his makeup done!

Il essaye de regarder le film “Coco”pendant la séance maquillage!

Makeup for/Maquillage pour Dia De Los Muertos

dimanche 21 octobre 2018

Donation to the animal shelter

Benjamin and John decided to organize a lottery to benefit the animal shelter. They went around the neighborhood knocking on doors and asking for donations. They kept a list of the people who donated then drew a name out of the hat. The winner got 2/3 of the total and 1/3 went to the animal shelter. Today we went to officialy give the money to the shelter.

Benjamin et John ont organisé un loto pour le refuge des animaux. Ils ont frappé aux portes du quartier pour demander des dons. Ils ont ensuite tiré un nom au sort. Le gagnant a eu 2/3 du total et le 1/3 restant etait pour le refuge. Aujourd’hui nous sommes allés donner l’argent au refuge (celui oú nous avons adopté Charlotte).

Halloween cookies

Mamy à Boston

Samuel Adams in front of Faneuil Hall Tapestry in the hotel One of the many cemeteries. Monu...