During the naps, I have fun with the transfers and create some onessies for Benjamin
mardi 29 avril 2008
Maman se fait plaisir / Mum is having fun
Pendant le siestes, je m'amuse avec les transferts au fer a repasser pour creer des body personnalises pour Benjamin.
During the naps, I have fun with the transfers and create some onessies for Benjamin

During the naps, I have fun with the transfers and create some onessies for Benjamin
dimanche 27 avril 2008
Le plus beau / The cutest
jeudi 24 avril 2008
Les coliques / Colics
A 4 semaines precises, Benjamin commence les coliques. Il semble vraiment tres fache et il nous est tres difficile de le calmer. On essaye tout: les bras, on berce, la tetine, l'emmaillotage, la chaise qui vibre, le siege auto, le baby bjorn... Cet apres midi, apres 1 heure et demi de marche dans le baby bjorn, je le remet endormi dans son berceau...Il reste endormi 10 minutes, juste le temps de prendre cette photo. Lueur d'espoir: Tout le monde dit que cela sera passe d'ici qu'il ait 3 mois.
At 4 weeks precisely, Benjamin starts to have colics. He seems very upset and it is really difficult to soothe him. We try everything: carry him around, rock him, swaddling, vibrating chair, car seat, baby bjorn... This afternoon, after 1 hour and a half of walking with the Baby Bjorn, I put him back asleep in his crib... He stays asleep for 10 minutes, just the time to take that picture. A little bit of hope: Everybody says that it should be over before he is 3 months old.
At 4 weeks precisely, Benjamin starts to have colics. He seems very upset and it is really difficult to soothe him. We try everything: carry him around, rock him, swaddling, vibrating chair, car seat, baby bjorn... This afternoon, after 1 hour and a half of walking with the Baby Bjorn, I put him back asleep in his crib... He stays asleep for 10 minutes, just the time to take that picture. A little bit of hope: Everybody says that it should be over before he is 3 months old.
mardi 22 avril 2008
Les cadeaux / The presents
mercredi 16 avril 2008
Golden Gate Park
Dimanche, le temps etait tellement magnifique que nous sommes alles au Golden Gate Park.
On Sunday, the weather was so nice that we decided to go for a stroll in the Golden Gate Park.
On Sunday, the weather was so nice that we decided to go for a stroll in the Golden Gate Park.
samedi 12 avril 2008
vendredi 4 avril 2008
Un p'tit nombril tout neuf / A brand new belly button
Aujourd'hui, pour celebrer ses 15 jours d'existence, Benjamin a recu un nombril tout neuf (son petit bout de cordon ombilical est tombe).
Today, to celebrate his 15 days birthday, Benjamin received a brand new belly button (his umbilical cord stump fell).
Today, to celebrate his 15 days birthday, Benjamin received a brand new belly button (his umbilical cord stump fell).
mercredi 2 avril 2008
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