dimanche 24 janvier 2016

Persuasive Reviews


Type of review (book, movie, toy, food):

Title of your review:Popi

Review:      Do you like soft stuff?  Well you might like Popis!  I love Popis.  He or she is cute and adorable.  They have a cute smile.  His feet are very small.  His hands make him adorable.  He’s a monkey.  He is light and small.  So he can slide down your ramp.  you can throw him because he’s light. then you can catch him because he’s light. you can buy a Popi online in france. if your popi (Popis) gets run over sorry but your Popis ruined so be very careful with your Popi.So next time you buy a stuffed animal you sould get a Popi. I hope you’ll like your Popi as much as I do and you’ll buy more Popis.  

mercredi 20 janvier 2016

Let it snow

Snow ball fort

Snow angel. Benjamin made one on every front yard from our house to the end of the street!

Mamy à Boston

Samuel Adams in front of Faneuil Hall Tapestry in the hotel One of the many cemeteries. Monu...