dimanche 24 janvier 2016

Persuasive Reviews


Type of review (book, movie, toy, food):

Title of your review:Popi

Review:      Do you like soft stuff?  Well you might like Popis!  I love Popis.  He or she is cute and adorable.  They have a cute smile.  His feet are very small.  His hands make him adorable.  He’s a monkey.  He is light and small.  So he can slide down your ramp.  you can throw him because he’s light. then you can catch him because he’s light. you can buy a Popi online in france. if your popi (Popis) gets run over sorry but your Popis ruined so be very careful with your Popi.So next time you buy a stuffed animal you sould get a Popi. I hope you’ll like your Popi as much as I do and you’ll buy more Popis.  

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