So this is one of the messiest projects we did so far but it was a lot of fun and is really very simple. Just try to do this outside so you won't have to worry about the "stuff" getting all over the house! Both Benjamin and I had a lot of fun playing with it.
This idea is from Skip to my Lou and it was definitely worth it!
Mix 2 cups of cornstarch and 1 cup water in a bowl. If you want to color it, add a few drops of food coloring to the water before adding to the cornstarch. It takes some effort to mix the water and cornstarch. Try it out (hit it with your fist and pour it off a spoon to see if it works) before you give into the urge to add more water to make it easier to mix. The more you play with, the drier it gets but you just need to add water to it.
This thing is really neat, if you squeeze it, it becomes solid but as you let go, it turns back liquid. You can drop it to make stalagtites, cover your hand for a "melting hand" effect and many other ideas.
Benjamin also spent a lot of time "drawing" with it on our concrete driveway and made some cool abstract designs with it that were all cleaned up by the next rain.
WARNING: I tried to keep it for later in a plastic container but I think it fermented and a week later when I opened it again, it was smelling terrible and I had to open the windows and get rid of it.
En Francais pour ma maman:
Melanger 500 ml d'amidon de mais (je pense que c'est l'equivlent de la Maizena) avec 250 ml d'eau dans un saladier. On peut ajouter quelques gouttes de colorant alimentaire a l'eau avant de melanger avec l'amidon de mais. Au debut, il est difficile de melanger l'eau et l'amidon mais en y mettant les mains, cela finit par se melanger. Voila, c'est pret!
Il ne reste plus qu'a le faire degouliner, s'en enrober les mains.... Plus on joue avec et plus le melange s'asseche. Mais un peu d'eau et c'est reparti.
Attention: J'ai essaye de garder le melange pour plus tard dans un container en plastique mais apres une semaine, le melange a fermente et l'odeur etait pestilentielle.
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