Cette annee pour Passover nous sommes invites chez Maris, la maman de Dan. Nous devons apporter un accompagnement au plat principal. Pour respecter Passover, les choix sont plutot limites et je decide de tenter des gnocchis de patate douce avec sauce a la sauge. Le resultat n'est pas mauvais etant donne que la farine est interdite mais je pense re-essayer un jour avec une recette plus standard.
This year for Passover we are invited for diner at Maris' house. We are supposed to bring a side dish and I decide to try some Sweet Potato Gnocchi with sage. The result is not too bad knowing that I could not use flour but I think I will at some point try again with a more standard recipe.
The recipe was taken from the blog "Cooking with Amy"
Passover Sweet Potato Gnocchi
makes about 3-4 servings
1 cup mashed sweet potato (hot or cold)
1/4 cup ricotta
1/2 cup matzoh meal
1/4 cup potato starch
1 scant teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 cup unsalted butter
10 fresh sage leaves
Mash together the sweet potato, ricotta, matzoh meal, potato starch and salt. When the dough is well mixed, break it into four even pieces. Roll each and cut about a 10 inch roll and cut into small pieces, about 15 per piece of dough (you may need some potato starch to help you roll that dough since it can be pretty sticky). Using a fork, roll the bits of dough to flatten them slightly and make indentations. Boil in salted water just until they rise to the surface.
In a large saucepan, preferably non-stick, melt the butter and add the sage leaves, after a few minutes add the gnocchi and cook until the sage leaves are crisp and the gnocchi is slightly crisp on the outside.
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