Le vendredi 21 mars 2008 a 20h57, Benjamin Elliot Harris est ne. Il pesait 3.513 kg et mesurait 50 cm. Quelques photos de l'evenement.
On Friday March 21st 2008 at 8.57 pm Benjamin Elliot Harris was born. He weighted 7 lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches tall. Some pictures from that day.
19h: admissions /
7pm: Triage
20h57: Bienvenue Benjamin /
8.57 pm: Welcome Benjamin
Cheveux bruns comme papa /
Brown hair like Daddy
Premier bain /
First bath
La creme antibiotique pour les yeux /
Antibiotics for the eyes
Tete a tete avec maman /
Face to face with mummy
Les yeux grands ouverts /
Eyes wide open
Un Papa tres fier /
A proud Daddy
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